The curriculum for GCE-AL Chinese and GCE-AS Chinese will both be effective in September 2017. The GCE-AS Chinese (2017) Examination will be conducted in April and June 2018 whilst the GCE-AL Chinese (2017) Examination will be conducted in April and June 2019.
According to the Hong Kong Examinations Authority, the last examination of GCE-AL (2009) will be conducted in 2018. A fact should be noted. The examinations for GCE-AS Chinese Course (2009) and New Curriculum (2017) may be provided in the same year.
The examination for GCSE Chinese (2017) will be effective in 2019. Alternatively, the candidates can enroll the other examination for IGCSE Chinese (2017). Comparing two new curriculum, IGCSE Chinese is easier and simpler than GCSE Chinese. The teachers can design the teaching, enroll the examination, by refering to the curriculum and the students' needs.
Copyright 2017: PoCSL, CACLER, the University of Hong Kong